Yes , my images can be purchased...

Yes , my images can be purchased...

Yes , my images can be purchased. For the time being, please contact me to negotiate terms, pricing and uses.

 Perhaps the world of business advises against this explanation. That is why I have my own site. I desire relationships first.

While it is my intention and even hidden in this site are the e-commerce tools like a shopping cart and PayPal etc., essentially ready to go, I am not yet launching that aspect of this website. I will use this little space to explain why.    Proverbs 11.1 says  ”A false balance is an abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is His delight”. See also Proverbs 16.11. As well, see an often misquoted verse taken out of context in 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil…….notice the condition of the heart is left off when misquoted. The Holy Spirit does not have Paul say money is the root of all evil, but the love of money. 

A digital photographer can know much and is always learning about the technical aspects of digital media. It is an undertaking to know about many of the acronyms and how and what file sizes are best for each purpose of use: transfer, storage, color spaces and their differences for each media. In selling and transferring photos (unless one can run their own printshop) one finds a huge learning curve from pricing to shipping. So to get back to the basis of the why at this time I am not yet ventured into e-commerce using the quoted verses above:

I want anyone who purchases my photography for their intended and approved purpose, to receive it in the best transaction and experience possible. So you see, until I learn and decide how to fulfill the best for every person who desires my work, wether for personal enjoyment and affordability to them, commercial print, or as premium works of art. I desire a just weight and balance for you. The revenue is not the most important thing to me. I trust you can see who and what is. 

Thanks for your patience.
